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Greg Newkirk

Greg Newkirk

Cincinnati, OH, USA

Writer and video dude for Roadtrippers, pro monster chaser with Planet Weird, curator of the fantastic & the bizarre. Let's be friends!

August 24, 2014
Rated 3.0

A really neat tribute to a local hero. It's not uncommon to see Hendrix all dressed up around local celebrations like Pride, or with flowers and guitar picks laid out in remembrance. A definite photo op when in Seattle. Can't miss it, right across the street from Dick's (one of the best burger joints in the city).

If you want to see some even better Hendrix stuff, take a visit to the EMP Museum right next door to the Space Needle. There's a ton of his broken guitars, old letters, costumes, and more. They've got so many pieces of Hendrix history that they dedicated a whole wing to it.

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August 24, 2014
Rated 4.0

Easily the coolest park in Seattle. The city decided to take an old coal refinery and instead of tearing it all down, they left it up and it remains a really neat centerpiece in the park. There's some really fantastic views of downtown, and Gasworks is one of the best places to check out a New Years or 4th of July fireworks show. There's plenty of parking, and tons of room so you won't feel crowded if you decide to have a picnic or just relax with a book.

Be sure to head up onto the hill and check out the big, working sundial!

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August 24, 2014
Rated 4.0

Absolutely worth a visit if you're at all a fan or Bruce and Brandon Lee. Their plots sit right next to one another in Lakeview Cemetery, and they're two of the easiest graves to find...though you probably won't have trouble, because theres usually a steady stream of visitors who've come to pay their respects.

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August 24, 2014
Rated 2.0

Not much more than an interesting, quirky way for Blue Moon to get some attention. Honestly, you won't miss much here, even if you go inside for a beer. Not the greatest bar in Seattle.

The statue is kind of a riff on the art museum downtown, so if you want to see a REALLY impressive, giant, motorized steel man using a hammer, head there instead. That one is actually worth a visit and a picture.

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August 24, 2014
Rated 3.0

If you're all about locally-sourced food, and you really love a thick burger, Blue Moon Burgers is your place. They're also a bit on the pricy side, but you can feel good about what you're eating, and they have some really great vegetarian options as well if you're dining out with the meat-free.

Regardless of what you order, they make a mean root beer float.

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August 24, 2014
Rated 4.0

This place is great. They say they're known for having the stiffest drinks in Seattle, and while I can't say I've been to every bar in the city, this place definitely makes them strong and for a good price. Their food isn't half bad either, it's your typical diner fare, but they do have special taco nights and such.

If you enjoy people watching, go late. No real "crowd" here, which makes for some great mingling.

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August 24, 2014
Rated 4.0

One of the best venues in Seattle, hands down. Sure, it might not look like much, but they've got a history of booking some of the best shows in the city, and they go a long way to keep their ticket prices down. There's a good chance you'll see some rock icons off the stage and in attendance as well. Last time I was there, Eddie Vedder was just hanging out.

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August 22, 2014
Rated 4.0

This is a really fantastic tour, especially for someone visiting out of town. I actually lived in Seattle for close to three years and it wasn't until my third year that I found out that there's a whole abandoned city underneath Seattle. It's pretty wild to go underground and see all of the original sections of Pioneer Square. Everyone gets a tour keepsake as well, which is a nice addition. Depending on how easily bored your kid is, the tour could go either way. Recommended for history buffs, for sure.

2 people found this review helpful
August 03, 2014
Rated 3.0

While a huge chunk of Thompson Park is considered "the vortex" (and some, including local witches, say it can move around), those looking to grab their photo op with the big "Area 51" sign should check near the entrance to the Thompson Park Zoo.

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Whispers Estate
Whispers Estate

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great deal!

July 30, 2014
Rated 4.0

The cool thing about Whispers Estate is that yes, you can book an overnight stay here, but it won't be the kind of overnight stay that you're used to. If you've ever been in a big old haunted hotel, you know that you can't exactly go wandering around in search of ghosts all night without getting the stink eye. Here, your booking doesn't get you a room, it doesn't get you bed, and it doesn't get you a shower. It gets you access to the building for a whole night, because you're not here to sleep - you're here to ghost hunt.

Generally the nights run from 8pm to 6am but you have to call ahead to schedule your stay. If you have a group of less than 10 with you, you might very well be saddled up with another team, so consider booking the whole place and bringing lots of friends if you want to investigate on your own.

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