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Greg Newkirk

Greg Newkirk

Cincinnati, OH, USA

Writer and video dude for Roadtrippers, pro monster chaser with Planet Weird, curator of the fantastic & the bizarre. Let's be friends!

September 17, 2014
Rated 3.0

This place is hilarious. If you're going to Toby Keith's I Love This Bar and Grill in a totally sincere manner, you're probably going to have a great time but I don't want to know personally.

However, if you're deciding to visit ironically, have a good sense of humor and you're going to love it. Imagine a bar where preppers and tea-party patriots would go to plan their border defense strategies over a domestic beer they don't know is owned by a foreign conglomerate while listening to shitty music about soldiers written by guys who never joined the army. That's Toby Keith's. It's a right-wingers wet dream.

Not only are the french fries literally called "Freedom Fries", but everything on the menu is some kind of ridiculous statement. They have a "soldier burger" for fucks sake. The only thing that would make this place any more ridiculous is if they printed the menu on the back of Obama's fake birth certificate.

In other words, this was the perfect place to take my wife to celebrate her green card, surrounded by people who hated her for stealing good American jobs.

What a riot.

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September 17, 2014
Rated 4.0

I've been hooked on this place since I first tried it about three months ago, now it's not uncommon to go in for a sandwich every week or two. It can get pretty busy during the lunch hours, and the payment situation is a little wonky (never quite sure if you pay when you order or after you've eaten, but I don't think they care much either way), but man, it's worth it.

The "Smokemaster" brisket sandwich is incredible, and they've got a massive list of other sandwiches to choose from, all priced really reasonably too.

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September 17, 2014
Rated 4.0

Really great place. Good vibe, delicious food.

My only tip is that if you dare show up during the lunch rush, you better be prepared to wait. It is what it is. The waitstaff are great though, and they'll keep the coffee flowing while you enjoy the scenery.

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September 17, 2014
Rated 1.0

This place was horrible. Went there for the lunch special yesterday, felt sick to my stomach afterwards. The food is garbage and it appeared that it had been sitting under lights just enough to form a nice, hard crust on the top, they had two veggie options: rice and asparagus, and their selections of food were some of the worst I'd ever seen in a Chinese restaurant. AVOID.

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September 16, 2014
Rated 4.0

As a fan the paranormal and the occult, I can't recommend this place enough. The monument stands as a memorial to the birthplace of Spiritualism, a religion that was all about speaking with the dead, largely helped launch by three sisters who fooled the nation with their psychic abilities. Of course, they were eventually proven as fakes, but that never stopped the religion from taking off.

Really cool place to visit, particularly for weirdos and history buffs.

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September 16, 2014
Rated 4.0

It's a cave. Don't expect too much. Unless, of course, you believe all the weird legends about the bad luck that follows people when they enter the cave... but those are just legends. Right?


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September 16, 2014
Rated 4.0

Legend has it that this cemetery was so evil that the Pope wouldn't fly over it. Of course, when you think about it, it's highly doubtful that the Pope would be flying over rural Kansas to begin with, but it's still a great story.

There's all kinds of local tales about how the old church would be home to black masses and Satanic rituals, even ones announcing the arrival of the devil himself on Halloween night, but today, the old church is gone and the cemetery is just like any other graveyard in the middle of town.

It's neat to see if you enjoy the history, but if you're looking to be stunned by creepiness, you're going to leave disappointed. Oh, and DON'T go after dark. You have more to fear from the cops than the Devil.

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September 16, 2014
Rated 5.0

If you were a fan of 'The Conjuring', this is definitely a neat place to check out. While it *is* on private property, you can snap pictures from the road, just don't be a jerk about it.

If you like this, be sure to look for the Warrens' Occult Museum in Connecticut. You can actually visit (if you call ahead) and it has the REAL Annabelle doll featured in the movies.

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September 16, 2014
Rated 3.0

I went looking for these gates when I was sixteen, and while I found the first set of gates, all we did was get lost in the woods looking for the rest. The locals swear the other six gates remain, but I have a feeling that it might just be the regional equivalent of a "Snipe Hunt".

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September 16, 2014
Rated 3.0

The world's biggest mirror in definitely a place worth checking out, but if you decide to plan a trip, whatever you do, don't go in January. It's by far the worst time of year to visit, as there is hardly any rain - the whole reason for the mirror effect.

November is the recommended visitation time.

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