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Cincinnati, OH, USA

Designer, map illustrator, diver of seas and climber of rocks. Lead Designer at Roadtrippers.

August 14, 2014
Rated 4.0

Cool museum, definitely worth a visit if you're in BsAs. It's not that big either so you can see most everything in around 2 hours.

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August 14, 2014
Rated 3.0

Literally nothing to see here but exactly what you see in the picture. It's unfortunately also been somewhat covered in graffiti. If you're in Punta del Este you should go visit Casapueblo, much cooler than this hand sticking out of the sand...

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August 14, 2014
Rated 3.0

Cool bridge by Santiago Calatrava, meant to resemble the silhouette of a couple tango dancing. Ultimately it's just a bridge though. If you're in Puerto Madero you'll see it and maybe walk across it, probably take your picture. Then you'll go to dinner somewhere and the steak you'll eat will be a much bigger highlight than having visited the bridge.

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August 14, 2014
Rated 3.0

The monument itself isn't super striking or special, but the history surrounding the group of women that march here every Thursday is definitely worth reading about.

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August 14, 2014
Rated 3.0

The Casa Rosada is the Argentinean equivalent of the White House. It's cool to walk by - it's located in Plaza de Mayo which is itself really cool, loaded with history - but there isn't much to it other than hearing about Kirchner or other president's escapades.

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August 14, 2014
Rated 5.0

One of the most worthwhile trips I took while living in Argentina. You can take an overnight bus from Buenos Aires but if you can afford the flight and spend an extra day or two at the falls I highly recommend it.

We spent the first day on the Argentinean side which is where you can stand above the massive Devil's Throat waterfall which is just breathtaking. You can also do a boat tour down in the gorge which is pretty cool.

The second day we went over to the Brazilian side which is well worth the extra $50 you have to pay per person. You don't experience the sheer power of the falls the way you do on the Argentinian side, but the Brazilian side allows for the panoramic views which are beautiful.

I didn't get to do this, but my sister was there for a solid 5 days and spent tons of time exploring less-frequented trails in the park and said it was amazing. She found swimming holes where she got to be alone in the jungle for hours and said it was really amazing.

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August 14, 2014
Rated 5.0

I wasn't crazy about the idea of going (sounds weird, I know, but I've been to tons of Aztec and Mayan ruins in Mexico and thought it would be pretty similar) but how WRONG I was. Machu Picchu is absolutely stunning and worth every penny and hour it takes to get there. If you're lucky enough to get there very early in the morning, just sit and watch the fog lift off the surrounding mountains. I highly recommend getting a tour guide so you can really get a feel for the history of this place. Such an amazing place to visit. If you take the train up and you aren't riding first class, know that there's no heating and it's really cold at 5 a.m. when the train leaves so bundle up. Yes, it'll get hot once the sun comes out but it's a 4 hour train ride and you'll be freezing if you don't bring plenty of extra layers.

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August 12, 2014
Rated 5.0

In a nearly empty cantina in a dark desert town, the short, drunk man makes his pitch. Beside him on the billiards table sits a chunk of rock the size of home plate. Dozens of purple and white crystals push up from it like shards of glass. "Yours for $300," he says. "No? One hundred. A steal!" The three or four other patrons glance past their beers, thinking it over: Should they offer their crystals too? Rock dust on the green felt, cowboy ballads on the jukebox. Above the bar, a sign reads, "Happy Hour: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m."

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August 12, 2014
Rated 4.0

Great place to go enjoy a beautiful day. There are usually a lot of baseball and kickball games going on, so if you're trying to enjoy a picnic or a book in the park you might have to look out for flying objects. Great playground for kids and the Wizard of Oz statues are fun to seek out.

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August 12, 2014
Rated 5.0

Amazing place to go visit in the dead of winter when you're in desperate need of some warmth. The conservatory makes you feel like you're in a tropical paradise, far, far away from the blustery Chicago winter. The fern room is incredible! And best of all, the whole thing is free!

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