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The Coromandel

From Coast to Coast travel around this extraordinarily beautiful peninsula.

  • 30
  • 14:15
  • 336 mi
  • $1052

Created by Roadtrippers Australasia - January 7th 2018

Easily accessible from Auckland, this road trip around New Zealand's Coromandel Peninsula takes in superb coastal scenery, remote beaches where you'll probably be the only intrepid visitors, and a fine combination of briny-fresh local seafood and a fascinating gold-mining past. With 400 kms of coastline everyone finds their dream beach on The Coromandel.

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"Snorkelling at Whanganui A Hei (Cathedral Cove) Marine Reserve"

Goldmine Experience

Sadly, you're about 150 years too late to get rich from the gold rush in the hilly hinterland around Thames, but there's still plenty to see in this historic town southeast of Auckland. It's also a great place to kick off one of New Zealand's most spectacular coastal road trips. Grab a coffee in one of the excellent cafes in Thames' heritage Grahamstown neighborhood – the wide main street and the 19th-century wooden shopfronts might have you recalling your favorite Western movie – before learning about the Coromandel Peninsula's lustrous history at the interesting Goldmine Experience in the hills above town. Explore old mine tunnels too, before trying your luck panning for gold.

Rapaura Water Gardens

From Thames, SH25 meanders north along the scenic western coast of the peninsula, darting in and out of rocky coves and bays. Visit during a southern hemisphere summer and the route is trimmed with the scarlet blooms of pohutukawa trees, often flowering in late December and known locally as 'New Zealand's Christmas Tree'. There's good gourmet pizza and Coromandel craft beer at the relaxed Waiomu Beach Cafe, and 19km north of Thames at Tapu, a forested road leads east to the Raupara Water Gardens. Wander the walking tracks past garden sculptures in Raupara's verdant bush setting abutting the rugged wilderness that runs down the peninsula's central spine.

Coromandel Oyster Company

Jump back in the car and head north where SH25 becomes even more spectacular, negotiating hills and valleys to provide glimpses of remote bays. Around 7km south of Coromandel Town, an essential stop combines horizon-stretching views with super-fresh, local seafood. Oysters, scallops and fish and chips fill the menu at the rustic Coromandel Oyster Company, and along the road at the Coromandel Mussel Kitchen, huge green-lipped mussels are perfectly combined with locally-brewed craft beer from MK Brewing. Our recommendation? Try the grilled mussels in garlic butter and a Gold Digger pilsner.

Star and Garter Hotel

Even more quaint and old school than Grahamstown in Thames, Coromandel Town is a sleepy byway framed with wooden buildings from the 19th-century days when the region attracted gold-miners from around the world. A mandatory stop is a cold beer at the iconic Star & Garter Hotel – visit on a weekend for the best chance of live music – before embarking on more heritage discoveries at the Coromandel Goldfield Centre and the local Mining Historic Museum. Don't worry, that's the last focus on all things golden. After Coromandel Town, this road trip soon reverts back to exploring some of New Zealand's best coastal scenery.


"Coromandel Goldfield Centre" Photo Credit: Coromandel Fun

Driving Creek Railway & Potteries

On the outskirts of Coromandel Town, this quirky narrow gauge railway winds up a forested hillside negotiating four bridges, two winding spirals, tunnels and a careful double switchback. There are views aplenty – courtesy of the breezy open-sided passenger carriages – and even better vistas at the railway's terminus high above at the 'Eye-Full Tower'. Booking ahead online is definitely recommended on summer weekends, and don't leave without watching the video about Driving Creek's inspirational founder, pottery artist and conservationist, the late Barry Brickell.

Colville General Store

Yes, that is a prayer flag-adorned Tibetan Buddhist stupa amid the rural farmland north of Coromandel Town and the surprising Mahamudra Centre is open for simple accommodation and meditation retreats. Nearby, sleepy Colville is a tiny village that's popular with alternative lifestyle folk drawn by the blissful solitude. Stock up on all things organic and vegan at the Colville General Store before securing a sunny outdoor table for good coffee and fresh fruit ice-cream nearby at Hereford 'n' a Pickle. If you're self-catering and having barbecues on this roadtrip, their excellent sausages and fruit relishes are available to buy.


"Hereford 'n' a Pickle"

Around 3km north of Colville, the road further north becomes unsealed, but confident drivers and intrepid travellers should definitely continue on to remote Fletcher Bay. Venturing off the main routes down quieter side roads to hidden beaches is what makes this Coromandel road trip so special. Expect a winding 37km journey from Colville – about an hour's drive – and if you're camping, it's worth spending a night at the Fletcher Bay Department of Conservation (DOC) campsite at the extreme northern tip of the peninsula.

You can't drive from Fletcher Bay to the eastern side of the peninsula – although hikers can negotiate the 3 ½ hour Coromandel Walkway to Stony Bay – so roadtrippers need to return south to Colville Bay, and then detour north on another unsealed road to remote Port Charles. It's definitely another Coromandel coastal diversion worth investing in, especially if you overnight in the comfortable wooden cottages at Tangiaro Kiwi Retreat. A forested spa, relaxing massage services, and a good cafe are surprising distractions in such a remote spot. And yes, New Zealand's iconic national bird is sometimes seen after dark. Good luck in spotting the nocturnal and shy kiwi.

Waikawau Bay Campsite

The drive south to remote Kennedy Bay – around one hour from Port Charles – is a truly stunning journey. There's another DOC campsite at sleepy Waikawau and plenty of holiday rental houses if you're keen to kick back for a few days. Continuing south to Kennedy Bay, the winding road narrows and provides glimpses, through the New Zealand forest, of the Coromandel Peninsula's beautiful east coast. Not many travellers make it this far, so you will not be jostled by loads of other travellers, so please just enjoy the brilliant coastline before continuing over Kennedy Bay Road - a very scenic pass - back to Coromandel Town. (But do remember, if you're driving a campervan (RV) take extra care on the region's often hilly and winding roads.)

In order to access the beaches and holiday towns of Coromandel's southeastern coast, you have to dog leg and hop back on SH25 - heading to the east. Just after the rural hamlet of Te Rerenga – do make a stop here for locally-made fruit chutneys and chilli sauces at the Castle Rock Cafe – an unsealed road leads to remote Whangapoua Beach. Whangapoua is pretty special in itself, but a walking trail at its northern end continues for 30 minutes to a stretch of sand that's been ranked in the world's top ten beaches. Bookended by tiny Motukopu Island, New Chum is a remote, white sand cove that can easily steal an afternoon. If the tide's in, you may need to wade through a shallow inlet, but it's definitely worth getting your feet wet. (People often call this beach New Chums but we've had it on good authority that you drop the s old chum!)


"Castle Rock Cafe" Photo Credit: Castle Rock Cafe

Luke's Kitchen

Yes, it's another beautiful arcing Coromandel beach – this time with views of the islands of Mercury Bay – but Kuaotunu is also a destination for travelling foodies. Combining a cafe and art gallery with excellent wood-fired pizza, Luke's Kitchen & Cafe also features live music gigs across summer. Check their Facebook page for what's on, and be surprised by super-local craft beers from Kuaotunu's tiny Blue Fridge Brewery. Try the Riwakasaurus Rex pale ale, crammed full of zesty Riwaka hops from Marlborough on New Zealand's South Island.

Before continuing south on SH25, this road trip includes another essential detour to two more stunning Coromandel beaches. Unsealed Blackjack Rd winds from Kuaotunu across a spectacular headland before descending to largely unpopulated Otama. Dunes fringe aquamarine waters before the road continues to Opito Bay, an arcing cove that is even more spectacular, and has a better range of accommodation. Even if you've already decided to continue south to Whitianga, be prepared to change your plans and overnight here instead.

From Kuaotunu, it's a short 20 minute drive to Whitianga, a convenient departure point for boat trips to explore the nearby Te-Whanganui-A-Hei Marine Reserve. Snorkel off the boat with Ocean Leopard and Whitianga Adventures or take a glass-bottom boat tour for the most colourful memories of this seascape often including dolphins, sea lions and penguins. On the way into Whitianga, stop at Buffalo Beach - Whitianga’s main beach - which is hugely popular with summertime holidaymakers.


"Buffalo Beach"

The Coroglen Tavern

An excellent Sunday morning spring and summer farmers market, home-style baking at the Colenso garden cafe, and an iconic Kiwi pub with some great summertime holiday gigs from New Zealand's most popular bands, all conspire to make tiny Coroglen punch well above its weight. Add in good craft beers at Hot Water Brewing Co in nearby Whenuakaite, and you'll be in no rush to hurry back to the coastal attractions just a short drive away.


"Colenso Cafe" Photo Credit: Colenso Cafe

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