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Motel 6 Fremont South
Motel 6 Fremont South

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June 06, 2017
Rated 1.0

**UPDATE** We were supposed to receive a call by 11am today. Never happened of course. I called at 1:30pm, the manager, L0rilie Lui$ was OF COURSE NOT THERE. I began getting agitated with the female employee but apologized for being short since it wasn't personally her fault. She knew who I was & said the manager would be back in maybe 30 min & call then. While voicing my frustration, she became VERY RUDE which I called her out on. I reiterated again that we're in the process of filing a report with the BBB & health department. She just said "do whatever you want." That's the second time they've said that already! I told her she better start looking for another job because they're going to get shut down soon. Then my boyfriend actually gets a call from the infamous manager herself after 2pm to again offer nothing more than a discounted rate on a future stay because she is not allowed to refund us. She too said to go ahead and report them if it's what we wanted. They obviously don't care about the conditions they offer their PAYING CUSTOMERS! We ARE your job, you work in HOSPITALITY! L0rilie Lui$, $@njib Gh0$e & all the motel employees we've encountered thus far do not belong in this industry if we're such a nuisance to you.

Supervisor L0nd@ at Motel 6 corp gets 5 stars though! Of all the people we've talked to on that end she was the only 1 to guarantee that even though they are an independent franchise there WILL BE REPERCUSSIONS. The motel's being fined for this & there'll be a corporate investigation of them. Not 1 of the other corporate CS reps said anything about the property being held accountable & that's what we want. She was empathetic, nice & the only helpful person throughout this whole ordeal. She suggested we dispute the bank charges but I forgot we paid cash since it was just the 1 night. Not giving up on warning everyone about this place.

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Motel 6 Fremont South
Motel 6 Fremont South

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June 05, 2017
Rated 1.0


WOULD GIVE -3 STARS IF POSSIBLE! Short story: Wound up needing a place to stay last min. Checked in around 7:30pm. About 8 hours later my boyfriend woke up to a baby cockroach on his face. The only available employees (a security guard and desk clerk) TOLD HIM HE COULD HAVE BROUGHT IT IN WITH HIM, not only that, but they also laughed it off as being a "regular occurrence." Only solution offered was to move... literally to the very next room over so we packed up and left in the middle of the night. We'd already had to kill 1 of these baby cockroaches before bed. In the 20 min it took to pack everything up and leave, my boyfriend had killed FIVE, yes, *5* of them! They won't refund and corporate won't refund because they're "independently owned." They've been jerking us around since our stay almost a week ago 05/29. Manager is NEVER there and NEVER returns call. Finally got some b*llsh*t generic email back OFFERING US NOTHING BUT A DISCOUNT ON OUR NEXT STAY AT THAT LOCATION. LIKE HELL AM I GOING BACK THERE EVER! Currently in the process of filing a report with the BBB and the health department to investigate this location.

They had the nerve to suggest we brought FIVE baby cockroaches in with us and planted them inside the room. My boyfriend's car is a 2015 Dodge Challenger R/T that he keeps PRISTINE, like we're bringing that in, PLUS the employees just shrugged it off saying it happened all the time anyway! Are you FREAKING kidding me?! Then corporate was no help at all, they literally tried getting a hold of the manager almost as much as we did too without any success. HOW IS THAT THE RIGHT WAY TO RUN YOUR BUSINESSES? Let them neglect their premises, accuse their customers of bringing bugs in and not rectify the issue. Corporate said they were there to deal with complaints... WHAT THE HECK IS NOT BEING REFUNDED AND GETTING THE RUN AROUND FROM A HALF *SS MANAGER AND/OR OWNER FOR AN INFESTED PROPERTY?

It's not as though we were staying long. It was just for the one night and being that we had to leave in the middle of it, have been given NOTHING BUT GRIEF AND RUN AROUND, asking for the $104.52 back we spent on those disgusting 8 hours is perfectly sensible to me. We initially even asked for only a partial refund, that's how understanding and accommodating and NICE WE TRIED TO BE. We will NEVER use any Motel 6 ever again.

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