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June 18, 2022

there's no cell service for like 14 miles from the national park entrance, additionally the nearest ranger station from the bridge is like 6 miles away. it's like weirdly between state and national forest boundaries. and there is shooting all night at a non exsistant range. this place was a literal nightmare. we helped this poor lady who had been stranded with a flat tire while camping for almost a month. we gave her a donut and some gas so she could limp her once nice Lexus in to town little did I know it was a freaking omen. my hyundai left that place with a busted up front end(a flat tire as well as a dead battery and physical front damage from a bat or som). the local druggies mostly haunt these woods and I got in a freaking Mexican standoff with one that claimed to be our camp neighbor's partner. him and his junkie friends spent the rest of our stay there driving by all creepy and generally threatening us. 10/10 do not recommend outside of day trips or entering the national forest.

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Days Stayed: 8

Site Number: dispersed

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