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Wind Creek Casino & Hotel
Wind Creek Casino & Hotel

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January 11, 2019

This camping turned out very well for us. When we arrived at the Casino we followed the signs to the RV camping. That took us to a fenced-in area with about 40 sites. There was a gatehouse and the gentleman there told my husband that the rate was $38 per night. We declined as we didn't want to pay anything [plus we had seen another camper on the other side of the Casino parked and felt we could do that too]. The fellow followed my husband out and offered for us to stay for a while but not overnight. He said he didn't like to turn away customers. He asked if we would be leaving by 5 but we said more like 11 pm. He said that would be good. So we parked from 3 pm to 11 pm for 'Free' with electric, water, dumping, washrooms with very nice showers. The sites are paved and nice and wide. There's a children's playground that looked very nice. Wifi was great. After dinner, we decided to pay for the night after all because it was so nice. There wasn't anyone at the gate. So we stayed and when we were leaving in the morning tried again. Alas, no one was there again so we had to leave without paying. [On the way out we noticed a sign that said if no one was there to go to Hotel desk. To be honest, we didn't do that.] There was security driving around all night and often at the gate looking after us. We highly recommend this spot.

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roadtripper825143 would stay here again

Nightly Rate: $0.00

Days Stayed: 1

Site Number: 22

5 Access
5 Location
5 Cleanliness
5 Site Quality
4 Noise
February 27, 2019

Enough Said

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Nightly Rate: $25.00

Days Stayed: 4

Site Number: 8

5 Access
5 Location
2 Cleanliness
4 Site Quality
1 Noise

Cell Coverage Rating


February 05, 2019

Upon arrival, another camper told us about Passport America so we signed up right away online. $12 instead of $24. This campground is the headquarters for Passport America so they brought all of our membership sign-up things to us. Done and done. We saved the money we spent on the membership that week so a very good deal for us. Very quiet. All of the things mentioned in the previous review Plus, the clubhouse/cabin now has an old school looking payphone and you can call for FREE to US, Canada and Purto Rico. Honest. For free. I'll post the pics. One thing to keep in mind, if the Wolf River nears flood level, then they will have you move. [Flooding is very well monitored so you get days of notice. So if you want to stay for a while, then chose higher ground. Oh, the ponds are very large and fishing is free so bring your pole!

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roadtripper825143 would stay here again

Nightly Rate: $12.00

Days Stayed: 7

Site Number: 12

5 Access
5 Location
5 Cleanliness
5 Site Quality
5 Noise

Cell Coverage Rating


January 11, 2019

A previous poster said to follow the signs and they are right. If you are coming over the Biloxi Bay Bridge then turn left at the lights. It looks like you are driving into Golden Nugget casino but follow the signs and you'll get to the correct section of the parking areas. There are about 5 people living in cars or vans and about 5 motorhomes that seem to be permanent. We didn't bother them and they didn't bother us. Smile and nod. We enjoyed the weather during our stay and probably stayed a couple of days longer than intended. When you go for a walk under the bridge you arrive at the other part of Point Cadet Plaza which is an actual park. Green grass. Water splash pad for children and adults too I guess. Next to that is a marine museum but it had so many steps to get in we just enjoyed looking from the outside. Just past the plaza/park there is another casino called Palace Casino. It is non-smoking. Just by the Palace Casino is a road that drives out onto a pier. Probably an old bridge. Lots of people were parked on it during the day. The main bridge has a very wide walkway and people go running walking and biking over it. The police toured through now and then.

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roadtripper825143 would stay here again