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June 15, 2020

I was here yesterday. Read all the reviews. They seem accurate.

First, I was watched with an "evil eye" by a local driving by as I stood outside the fence on Dayton Rd. This was a bad sign (confirmed by other reviews). On the other side of the road there are fully sealed buildings with junk outside. While walking around the junk I heard a normal sounding male voice. Likely a from neighboring home though I can't see any homes though the bush and trees.

I move to the other side up Airview Rd. I explored the grounds outside the fence. I saw signs of a squatter living here.

i go inside the fence to the boiler building.

While inside I am pretty sure I heard male voice again. Birds departed. Silence. Must be my imagination. There is wind I reasoned. After ten or so minutes I heard the voice again. This time loud, close, and threatening, yet not close enough to understand what was said. Now it becomes clear to me that I am being watched and followed likely by the squatter. Concerned for my safety and more importantly my vehicle, I exited and departed.

The reviews here confirmed my experience. Visiting this place seems risky.

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