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May 30, 2018

Another local 'gemming' place is Gems of Pala. My contact was a Mr. Sheppard. If my memory serves it wasn't quite so pricey. There was a slag heap near a tent w/o sides. You scooped your own pail and proceeded to sort at a personal sifter tray. VERY hot work! Bring Water!! 2+ hours of work and I had nothing to show for it -- but somehow the kids found plenty! It was fun to watch them run around and show off their finds to everyone. The area IS in the back of beyond.

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July 05, 2017
Rated 2.0

Been to Gems of Pala years ago. 1) Do NOT go in summertime!! Atrociously hot! 2) "Gems" are few and far between. Out of a 2-gallon bucket of tailings and at least an hour of grubbing in almost intolerable conditions, , I got exactly ZERO finds of ANY size. It was an experience, yes. Worth doing? Absolutely NOT. Would I go again? NOT ON YOUR LIFE, NO.

2 people found this review helpful