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December 02, 2019

katiee580 I was there around same time line 92-93. Peery 2. Honestly, DeJarnette was kind of a blast. Most of the people that supervised us were interns from UVA, and they were super chill. The doctors were aight. We had weekly meetings with our assigned shrinks. Mine was named Dr. Tupper. Our floor supervisor? Not sure the title, I remember his name was Buzz. There was also an intern named Joey. He used to tell us dirty jokes when we would go down the stairwells to the cafeteria. The bottom floor housed the cafeteria, the school and the gym. In May 1999 was passing through Staunton from Radford and I decided to stop and check it out. I ended kicking in the gymnasium doors and walking through. It really wasn’t creepy to me. I seemed to be one of the first to get inside. There was no graffiti. The walls were damaged in places and there were pigeons or doves roosting inside of them. There were papers scattered everywhere. I found a big ring of keys which I took with me. Like a trophy cuz l, ya know, keys were what you wished for when you were stuck there. A number of years later I was on a photography blog and one person had listed the various entry points in the building. He stated that the original way they began sneaky into the facility was though a kicked in door in the gym, which had since been boarded up. Pretty sure that was me!

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