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Delta Motel
Delta Motel

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June 27, 2016
Rated 1.0

FAMILIES WITH YOUNG CHILDREN SHOULD NOT STAY HERE!!!!! I was going to write a positive review, overlooking the less than appealing things about the place, but then our last hour there changed things. I write this review to spare other families with young children the stress that too likely awaits them if they choose to stay here.

Check out time is at 10:30 am. We got our breakfast and took it back to our room. At about 9:15 am my young children were enjoying their breakfast by the open window. They were laughing and talking, excited about our trip. The owner knocked on the door and started talking so fast I couldn't really understand him. Finally, I picked up enough words that I (very confused) asked him "Wait, you think my kids are screaming?", to which he replied "You're in the same room with them and you can't hear them?!!" ... "There are people still asleep in the room next to you. Either quiet down your kids or get out!!" Note, my husband was SOUND ASLEEP in the room. I was so upset that I quickly shut the window and literally kept hushing my kids down to whisper level.

As we were leaving he was all smiles with my husband, explaining to him that the person next to us was observing some religious holiday and was fasting and resting, ... . I went over and (as my husband put it) my frustration was very apparent. But I chose to not pick a fight with the owner. After all, he had my debit card and other information. If he was going to accuse my kids of screaming when they weren't, who's to say he wouldn't accuse us of something else, too?

Lest anyone think I'm overreacting, I truly respect anyone who is being bothered by my children at all and feels the need to tell me or them. My issue was not with the fact that he asked my children to be more quiet. It was how insulting, demeaning, and rudely he did it. And like I said, it was AFTER 9:00 in the morning!!!! He didn't forewarn us of anyone's needs, that we shouldn't have the window open, that the walls were so poorly insulated that we needed to be ridiculously quiet etc. Out of the blue he just blew up at us. So, if I had it to do over again, I would have gladly spent the $40 to stay in the motel next to it, had a lot more/better amenities, and been treated with some respect. And, if they had had issues with us in any way, they probably would have told us at least civilly, if not even kindly, unlike the owner of this motel.

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Delta Motel
Delta Motel

Click to discover a
great deal!

June 27, 2016
Rated 1.0

FAMILIES WITH YOUNG CHILDREN SHOULD NOT STAY HERE!!!!! I was going to write a positive review, overlooking the less than appealing things about the place, but then our last hour there changed things. I write this review to spare other families with young children the stress that too likely awaits them if they choose to stay here.

Check out time is at 10:30 am. We got our breakfast and took it back to our room. At about 9:15 am my young children were enjoying their breakfast by the open window. They were laughing and talking, excited about our trip. The owner knocked on the door and started talking so fast I couldn't really understand him. Finally, I picked up enough words that I (very confused) asked him "Wait, you think my kids are screaming?", to which he replied "You're in the same room with them and you can't hear them?!!" ... "There are people still asleep in the room next to you. Either quiet down your kids or get out!!" Note, my husband was SOUND ASLEEP in the room. I was so upset that I quickly shut the window and literally kept hushing my kids down to whisper level.

As we were leaving he was all smiles with my husband, explaining to him that the person next to us was observing some religious holiday and was fasting and resting, ... . I went over and (as my husband put it) my frustration was very apparent. But I chose to not pick a fight with the owner. After all, he had my debit card and other information. If he was going to accuse my kids of screaming when they weren't, who's to say he wouldn't accuse us of something else, too?

Lest anyone think I'm overreacting, I truly respect anyone who is being bothered by my children at all and feels the need to tell me or them. My issue was not with the fact that he asked my children to be more quiet. It was how insulting, demeaning, and rudely he did it. And like I said, it was AFTER 9:00 in the morning!!!! He didn't forewarn us of anyone's needs, that we shouldn't have the window open, that the walls were so poorly insulated that we needed to be ridiculously quiet etc. Out of the blue he just blew up at us. So, if I had it to do over again, I would have gladly spent the $40 to stay in the motel next to it, had a lot more/better amenities, and been treated with some respect. And, if they had had issues with us in any way, they probably would have told us at least civilly, if not even kindly, unlike the owner of this motel.

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