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December 11, 2015
Rated 4.0

It was an awesome thing to see. But like others have said, the amount of trash was crazy! We neglected to bring our own spray paint, but on our way in, someone was on the way out and they gave us the rest of theirs.

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December 06, 2015

This is a really beautiful place to see! We didn't have time to do a tour, but spent a little bit of time on the courtyard. The staff was knowledgeable and even offered to take a picture of my family for us. Next time, we will definitely take the tour.

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December 06, 2015
Rated 5.0

This was a really good place to eat, and the atmosphere was wonderful. We ate there for lunch. The restaurant is inside of an old mansion; we ate out on the patio, where the history of the mansion, and the family who lived there is painted on the walls. The service was great, and they had an awesome Mariachi band that played as we ate. Would definitely go back.

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