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National Park Trip - Segment 2 [Day 9]

Maligne Canyon, Medicine Lake, and Maligne Lake with a stop at spirit island

  • 3
  • 00:52
  • 31 mi
  • $6
Take This Trip

Created by Tom "Bogey" Boguszewski - July 18th 2023

Photo of Mount Robson Inn

902 Connaught Drive, AB, CA

Mount Robson Inn


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Today, we will take a guided tour of Maligne Canyon, Medicine Lake, Maligne Lake, including a stop at Spirit Island.

The tour bus will pick us up at our hotel.

Refer to Notes for Guided Trip - Maligne Valley, Medicine Lake, and Spirit Island.

17mi 00h 27m
Photo of Medicine Lake

Jasper National Park, AB, CA

Medicine Lake


“located within Jasper National Park” Not strictly speaking a lake but the point where water backups from the Maligne River before disappearing underground through sink holes. There is no river running out of the lake, the depth depending on the inflow rate from ice melt. Pull off at western end of the lake provides a spectacular view of the valley and hills.

14mi 00h 24m

The tour will return us to our hotel after the tour is over. If time permits, we may want to venture out and explore some of the many other sites Jasper National Park has to offer.