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Healing vortex guide to Sedona, Arizona

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Created by Lise R. - March 19th 2021

It's obvious to see that Sedona, Arizona is a special place simply by looking at pictures of the region... but there's so much more to the red rock landscape than the beauty. Sedona is said to be home to powerful, healing energy vortexes. An energy vortex is said to be a place where electromagnetic energy is strong. They're often found at places of historic spiritual significance, like Machu Picchu, Stonehenge, or the Great Pyramid. Native Americans have held Sedona's red rocks sacred for centuries, no doubt drawn in by the mysteriously enticing energy. The whole town has a distinctively different atmosphere, but several specific sites have been identified as vortex hotspots, and they're incredibly popular places for hikes and meditation.

Keep in mind that not only are all vortexes different (some have an energy that flows up, creating an uplifting feelings, while others spiral down into the earth for a more introspective vibe) but everyone experiences them differently. Visit with an open mind!

Photo of Boynton Canyon

Boynton Canyon Trail, Sedona, AZ, US

Boynton Canyon

Boynton Canyon is a pretty big area (and it's also famously quite beautiful) and so there are some who think that there are actually two vortexes here. There's definitely one near the rock formation known as the Kachina Woman, which people think to be both feminine and masculine in nature with an inflow and upflow vibe, and some claim to sense another further west. If you hike deep into the canyon, you can see energy circles and cairns built by other people. Stay at the Enchantment Resort if you really want to pamper yourself and maximize your time with this vortex and stunning landscape!

Photo of Airport Mesa

Airport Road Sedona Airport, Table Top Mtn, Cococino Nat'l Forest, Sedona, AZ, US

Airport Mesa

Airport Mesa is home to one of the more popular (and crowded) vortexes in Sedona. That's because it's convenient to reach, with a pretty easy hike to the top of the mesa, and a nice location near the city. The views from on top of Airport Mesa are stellar, offering panoramic views of the scrubby plant life and dramatic red rocks across the landscape. As for the energy here, it's pretty strong and has a masculine feel and a flow that spirals up... some people even claim to see colored orbs floating around. Come at sunrise to beat some of the crowds and really get the full effect.

Photo of Chapel of the Holy Cross

780 Chapel Rd, Sedona, AZ, US

Chapel of the Holy Cross

There's a vortex at the stunning Chapel of the Holy Cross that's super easy to visit. A local rancher and sculptor named Marguerite Brunswig Staude had been wanting to build a church, and after an attempt to construct one in Budapest was thwarted by WWII, she simply decided to build one into the sandstone buttes of her hometown. It was completed in 1958 and has been inspiring with its beauty and spiritual experience-enhancing vortex (which is said to be feminine) ever since.

Photo of Cathedral Rock

Back O' Beyond Road, Sedona, AZ, US

Cathedral Rock

Cathedral Rock is one of the most iconic features in all of Sedona, so it's no surprise that it's home to a vortex. To maximize the effect of the feminine inflow/upflow combo energy, you'll have to climb to the saddle of the formation. If you're looking for a more low-key vortex experience, take the Templeton Trail and look for Buddha Beach; it's a wide, flat stretch land covered by cairns left by other visitors.

Photo of Red Rock Crossing

300 Red Rock Crossing Rd, Sedona, AZ, US

Red Rock Crossing

Combining the healing energy with the literal cleansing of water makes the vortex at Red Rock Crossing a unique experience. The creek's beach and deeper swimming holes upstream are a powerful place for meditation and relaxation. It's an "inflow" vortex, meaning the energy here spirals down into the earth, making it a calming place perfect for introspection.

Photo of Bell Rock

41 Bell Rock Plz, Sedona, AZ, US

Bell Rock

The vortex near Bell Rock is supposed to be one of the more powerful, with a peaceful but strong masculine energy-- it flows up, so you'll leave feeling rejuvenated. The nice thing is that the hike from the trailhead out to the rock is utterly stunning, and makes for a great workout to get you focuses on the vibe of the place. Don't feel like you have to climb too far up the rock; they say that the energy doesn't get any stronger the higher you go, and that there's a nice meditation perch between the 10th and 11th cairns.

Unsure of how to experience the vortexes? The easiest and most common thing to do while visiting one is to meditate. Some people like to do yoga, or even an energy clearing, but you don't need to do anything more than clear your mind and be present in the moment. Practice meditation, and find a method of relaxing and focusing your energy that works for you before you arrive. You might even feel the effects of the positive energy for awhile after you leave Sedona, but take advantage of the healing vibes as much as you can during your visit!