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Ghost Geeks Roadshow - New Jersey

From Clinton Road to Westfield and the Watcher House

  • 4
  • 01:45
  • 58 mi
  • $9
Take This Trip

Created by GhostGeeksRoadshow - January 19th 2020

Take a trip with Alyssa and Kristen as we tour the desolate stretch of Clinton Road to see if we can spot a ghost, a truck, or a ghost car. Then cruise by the Watcher House on your way to the portal to Hell, the Devil's Tree.

Photo of Ghost Boy Bridge

Clinton Road West Milford, NJ, US

Ghost Boy Bridge

Head here and throw some coins over the bridge to see if the ghost boy will toss them back at you.

0mi 00h 02m
Photo of Clinton Road

Clinton Rd, West Milford, NJ, US

Clinton Road


Remember, there is more than one bridge on Clinton Road.

41mi 01h 06m

657 Boulevard, Westfield, New Jersey, United States


Don't sit outside the Watcher House too long, or they may think you're the Watcher himself (or herself)

16mi 00h 36m

Mountain Road, Bernards, New Jersey, United States

Don't blink or you may miss the Devil's Tree sitting in the middle of a field in this high end neighborhood. Back in the day, this field was in the middle of nowhere. Not any more.