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Yellowstone National Park Guide: America's 1st National Park

Colorful hot springs, dramatic geysers, and roaming buffalo.

  • 8
  • 01:10
  • 47 mi
  • $7
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Created by Jarm - June 21st 2019

Yellowstone may be world-famous now, but back in the early 19th century, the first American to discover it was written off a as a madman. John Colter was a former explorer with Lewis and Clark, and the world couldn't believe that the hot springs and geysers he claimed to have seen on his way back from the expedition were real. It actually took 50 years for an organized expedition to fully explore the area, and they were certainly stunned to find that the legends of fire and brimstone were true. In 1872, it was protected as the America's first National Park. Every inch of this natural wonderland is worth exploring, from its geysers and hot springs to its canyons and forests.

Photo of Yellowstone National Park

S Entrance Rd, WY, US

Yellowstone National Park

Tips for visiting Yellowstone: -Book campsites and hotels as far in advance as possible, especially if you're planning a trip in the summer. As one of the largest and most famous parks, things can get a little crowded, and since it's not near any major cities, campsites and hotel rooms can get booked up. -Cell phone service is only available in about 50% of the park, and wifi can be hard to come by, plus it'll probably cost you a pretty penny. Keep the fact that you might be incommunicado for part of your trip in mind while planning! -There are tons of scenic drives in and around the park that are great for exploring and taking in the sights, but if you're inside Yellowstone, be aware of the 45MPH speed limit, and watch out for stray bison!

Yellow Stone National Park, Mammoth, WY, US

Old Faithful

One of the park's most iconic features, Old Faithful is a geyser that launches boiling hot water over 100 feet into the air several times a day. The amount of time in between eruptions varies, but the NPS is good about posting predicted times in most buildings, but it usually happens about 17 times a day, so you have plenty of chances to see it happen. It can get crowded, so get there early for a good spot.

2mi 00h 06m
Photo of Morning Glory Pool

Yellowstone National Park, WY, US

Morning Glory Pool


Morning Glory is a hot spring that's famous for its unusual colors, caused by bacteria that inhabit the water. However, over the years, it's changed colors thanks to vandalism and pollution, it used to be almost entirely blue. It's still one of the park's most unusually beautiful features, though.

19mi 00h 28m
Photo of Black Pool


Black Pool


The Black Pool is actually a really beautiful shade of blue. It actually used to look black, but environmental changes caused the pool to heat up and kill off a lot of the bacteria that made it appear so dark. It makes for a beautiful photo op, either early in the morning or just before sunset.

23mi 00h 34m
Photo of Grand Prismatic Spring

Midway Geyser Basin, WY, US

Grand Prismatic Spring


Grand Prismatic Spring is the largest hot spring in America. At nearly 400 feet wide and over 100 feet deep, Grand Prismatic's size is certainly impressive...but it's the rainbow coloring that really make this spring stunning. Various bacteria around the outside edges of the pool cause the striking effect. This is what bucket lists were made for.

0mi 00h 01m
0mi 00h 01m

Grand Loop Road, WY, US

Fountain Paint Pots Trail

The hike along Fountain Paint Pots Trail is super easy, it's only about a half a mile long loop, and it takes you past some wild mud pots and fumaroles. It's especially nice if you're with kids, etc. since it's short and on a the mysteriously bubbling mud is always interesting for kids to see.

Photo of Old Faithful Inn

1 Grand Loop Rd, WY, US

Old Faithful Inn


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Designed by Robert Reamer, the Old Faithful Inn was built in waves, starting with the Old House that makes up the lobby and guest rooms. In the center of the seven story tall gabled lobby is an unforgettable 500-ton, 85-foot tall stone fireplace that reaches up the hight of the building and looks like something right out of "Game of Thrones." The Inn is, for obvious reasons, the most requested lodging in Yellowstone National Park and the 327 rooms are open for booking from early May until mid-October. The Old Faithful Inn also offers daily tours for anyone not wanting to cough up the dough, but who still want to see inside the awesome nationally historic building. It's one of America's most iconic hotels so if you do have the chance to spend the night while visiting Yellowstone National Park, it's absolutely worth it!

The best time of year to visit Yellowstone National Park: There's really no bad time to visit Yellowstone. During the winter, some roads and lodges close, but the park is no less beautiful covered in snow, and it's nice to kind of have the place to yourself. Spring and fall mean beautiful colors, and summer is, of course, always incredibly popular. But, if you plan to visit between May and September, make sure to plan and book everything well in advance.