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5 impractical tips for the most epic road trip ever

How do you plan the most epic road trip? Here's a hint: You don't.

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Take This Trip

Created by Kalle Schneider - August 28th 2018

Are you sick and tired of reading articles about how to plan and save for your American road trip? Don't spend any more time pinching pennies and poring over maps and travel sites. A classic road trip is about a feeling more than a plan, anyways, so here are some impractical tips to make your road trip truly epic.

1. Get yourself a sweet ride. Like a convertible, or something vintage. Don't worry about things like gas mileage or where you'll store your luggage. Seriously, leave the worrying to your mom. What's important is how amazing it's going to feel cruising down the highway with the wind whipping through your hair, and how awesome it'll look in your photos of your adventure.

2. Don't plan everything in advance. All you need to know is where you're starting, and maybe, at the most, where you want to end. Just get in the car and head in the general direction of your goal. Think of all the spontaneous adventures you're going to be able to have on the road without being a slave to a schedule.

3. Read the classics. This isn't homework, it's inspiration. Whether it's "On the Road", "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas", or "Grapes of Wrath", let your favorite American classic be your guide instead of a dry travel book or GPS.

4. Eat wherever and whenever you want. See a diner that looks interesting? Take a coffee break. Local farm stand is selling fresh produce? Stop and treat yourself. Is the specialty a bacon cheeseburger on a donut? Might as well try it. Don't worry about calories or budget. This is your road trip, and eating the local fare should be a major part of that!

5. Check out the nightlife at every destination. Who says you have to get an early start tomorrow? A great way to meet interesting people is at the local watering hole. Every tiny backwater has a bar, and that's where you'll find the real local color.

At the end of the day, a successful road trip is all about doing it your way. So, stay up late, drink that second beer, throw out the map, and get as impractical as you want... because the journey is just as important as the destination.