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Get lost among Florida's tropical banyan forests

Learn the mythology and science behind these unique specimens

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Created by sandman-2030 - July 17th 2018

Trees and forests can add a lot of character to a place. From the redwoods of California to the Joshua Trees of the Mojave to the sugar maples of New England, they can also be attractions in and of themselves. While many people associate Florida with palm trees, the banyans of Florida's Gulf Coast are even more unique and intriguing to observe. Banyans are special in that they begin their lives growing off of other trees, sprouting vine-like aerial roots. They're considered mythical and even sacred in countries from India to the Philipines and beyond. The first banyan in the continental US was planted by Thomas Edison at his estate in Fort Meyers; originally 4 feet tall, this original; banyan now covers one acre of land. Banyans have spread and made their way north to Sarasota, where can be seen in the wild and in gorgeously landscaped gardens alike.

Photo of Myakka Canopy Walkway

Myakka River State Park, Sarasota, FL, US

Myakka Canopy Walkway

Watch the forest come to life around you as you walk across the Myakka Canopy Walkway, located in Myakka River State Park. People of all ages and hiking ability will be able to conquer this trek with no problem, as long as you aren't intimidated by the fact that you'll be 25 feet in the air! The walkway was built in 2000, on an oak and palm tree hammock, and has a tower that soars even higher into the sky. It's the first in North America of its kind. Climb to the top of the tower and you might be able to spot a few eagles and other large birds, along with having a great view of the beautiful trees. The Myakka River and other trails additionally make for a great day at this diverse park that's said to be the among the best in the state. Plus, it's less than ten miles outside of the city so you can easily pop out of the bustle of the city for a little vacation within your vacation!

Photo of Marie Selby Botanical Gardens

900 S Palm Ave, Sarasota, FL, US

Marie Selby Botanical Gardens

Local nature enthusiast Marie Selby's botanical gardens were left to the public in 1975 for anyone wishing to bask in the endless beauty she cultivated around every corner. The property contains more than a dozen different kinds of gardens, all filled with unique flowers and trees that will have you feeling like you're not in Florida anymore. The children's area alone is extraordinary enough to have you wanting to stay with the family for hours on end, and there are always new plants to learn about! Marie Selby Botanical Gardens also offers dining options, and the garden is always gaining new exhibits that bring people of all ages and places to the area time and time again. Plan your trip in advance by signing up for a class, or drop in for a random afternoon of relaxing among stunning orchids, twisting banyans, and calming water exhibits - you'll be glad you did!

Photo of Bayfront Park

Ringling Blvd. & Bay Front Drive, Sarasota, FL, US

Bayfront Park

For those wanting to get out in the sunshine and be right on the water, Bayfront Park and Marina is a great, safe place to head. Human and canine children alike are welcome in the park for a stroll, a glimpse of the dolphins, or some playground fun! Aptly named for its location right on the bay, Bayfront isn't the place for a day on the beach but is a great spot to watch the boats roll in and the waves crash along with them. The park is located in between Ringling Bridge and Marina Jack's, which features great dining spots on the water and live music and events for a whole day's worth of fun. Rent a jet ski or paddle boat for some additional fun, swing on one of the benches in the park, or picnic below the shady banyan trees tucked around throughout the park.

5401 Bay Shore Rd, Sarasota, FL, US

The Ringling

The Ringling was once owned by one of the famed Ringling brothers of circus fame! John Ringling and his wife Mable built a mansion here in 1924 and contains over 50 rooms. The pair began collecting art and books during their travels around the world, and their collection quickly grew and developed into what is now the State Art Museum of Florida. A theater, library, and multiple collections of a variety of art make up this astonishing property that welcomes people from across the world each year. If art's not your forte, the Circus Museum inside might suit your fancy and educate you on the fascinating history of this man and his family's legacy. The estate sits right on the bay, providing from some insane views and landscaping, so pack a picnic and relax after an afternoon inside. The estate is home to 14 massive banyans that are nearly 100 years old, some that were around when Ringling lived here. It's one of the largest collections of banyans in the country, and they've grown to nearly take over some parts of the garden, even enveloping statuary in their aerial roots.

As you make your way through Florida's unique offerings of historical magic and fun in the sun, you'll find hidden gems everywhere you look, and quickly learn that Florida has more to offer than one might think. Enjoy a spiritual experience as you walk among the one-of-a-kind banyan forests of Sarasota!