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Charlottesville Trip

  • 13
  • 51:29
  • 3,330 mi
  • $542
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Created by cogwodmoac - November 1st 2016

512mi 08h 12m

We pick up Ally in Atlanta if she wanted to go early and visit Sicily. She can leave her car there. We'd be ready to stay the night. Hotel #1 (or camp if good weather? electric site could bring heater).

Cape Girardeau, Missouri, United States

469mi 07h 04m

drive 7 hours to LA.

345mi 05h 22m

Nassau Bay, Texas, United States


Drive 5 hrs to Nana & Papa's and stay 7 days: 20th-26th

221mi 03h 33m

Canyon Lake, Texas, United States


on 27th drive to canyon lake and stay 7 days: 27-2nd

221mi 03h 34m

Nassau Bay, Texas, United States


drive 3.5 hrs back to Nana/Papa's -- pick up Nessie -- and drive 4 hrs to Dallas. (maybe they could meet us with Nessie to save some time).

264mi 03h 55m

pull in late and visit the next day/nt as well (3rd).

Cape Girardeau, Missouri, United States

drive 9 hrs hours to Cape. Stay overnight 2 nights (4&5th) (visit 1 day- 5th).

782mi 11h 29m

drive 7 hrs to Atlanta on the 6th. stay in hotel/camp?. ally at Sicily's?

243mi 03h 51m

drive 4.5 hrs to Gmapa's and stay overnight. or drive straight home 9 hrs.

268mi 04h 29m

drive 4.5 hrs home. on sat or Sunday.