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Discover ancient forests and loads of riverbed fossils

The Midwest's best-kept secret!

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Take This Trip

Created by JohnHenderson - October 1st 2016

On a recent visit to Cincinnati's Caldwell Nature Preserve, I was shocked at how under-the-radar this amazing place is. We were the only people in the preserve! And this place is incredible! It's home to over 3.5 miles of hiking trails, which you could easily spend a full day exploring. The preserve is a mix of old growth forest and newer trees, and loads of wildlife call it home, from reptiles to mammals and amphibian creatures swimming in the many creeks found inside the preserve. Flying squirrels make their home in these forests, so keep a lookout for them gliding above the treetops!

Photo of Caldwell Nature Preserve

400 W North Bend Rd, Cincinnati, OH, US

Caldwell Nature Preserve

This preserve is truly a hidden gem in every sense of the term. The first thing that strikes you is just how vibrant and lush everything is, from the fallen trees, covered in moss, to the richly-hued verdant plant life. The hiking trails skirt around ridges that were created by the Mill Creek Watershed, and the preserve has built a lot of wooden bridges for visitors to safely cross over the gorges, many of which have creeks running through them.

Many of the hiking trails are pretty easy to walk along, most are mulched, and some are paved so it's possible to visit even if you're in a wheelchair. The park is also dog-friendly. When I visited, my friend Erica brought her two papillons and they had a blast! There's also a large amphitheater in the woods and it's a great spot to have a seat and let your kids entertain you for a bit. In addition, the creeks that run through Caldwell Preserve's many gorges have fossils that kids can spend all afternoon searching for.

Pro tip: Bring a fresh change of clothes, especially if you visit right after it rains. Also, wear appropriate footwear. Erica and I wore flip flops and that was a big mistake, especially considering some of the trails are pretty steep.

400 W North Bend Rd, Cincinnati, OH, US

Caldwell Nature Center

Before you set off on your adventure, make a stop at the onsite Nature Center, where you can pick up a map to guide your hike, chat with an expert on which trails are best, and learn about the flora and fauna. You can also stop by afterwards to cool off and unwind!

One more word of advice: the preserve may not look like much when you first pull up to it, but once you get on the trails, you'll see that they'll take you into a whole other world, one populated by adorable woodland critters and shady trees. Remember... don't just a park by its parking lot!