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Perfectly Unplanned

it's epic.

  • 5
  • 05:50
  • 315 mi
  • $47
Take This Trip

Created by 12schnick - July 12th 2016

So our perfectly unplanned trip started while riding a motorcycle. We were talking along the ride and Bailey randomly said, "Let's get in a car and just drive." Nick says, "Okay lets go." "Next weekend?" Bailey says, "Yes!" So then we discussed that night about our 'details' for the trip (which was basically that we decided we were going as far North as we could and probably going to sleep in a hammock somewhere.)

Omro, WI US

As a week had passed since our decision to 'just drive' as far north as we could, we purchased a hammock (a double hammock) to sleep in, s'mores supplies, and beer. We packed what little supplies we had into the V-Dub, and started on the epic adventure. The trip started on Sunday morning, and we decided to stop at wherever we wanted to on our way north. We had absolutely no plan as to where we would end up or sleep for that matter. We stopped for beverages, ended up finding a GIANT cow statue and of course had to take a photo by it. Nick asked, "Should we take a random left here?" and Bailey says, "Yes." While driving around (very lost) Nick randomly says, "I know where we are!" Then we end up seeing his grandparents at the local tavern, we stopped in. Then they invited us to their cabin which was only a few miles away from the bar. After touring the cabin for a little while, we decided to be on our way. (To where we didn't know).

Silver Cliff, Wisconsin, United States

Iron Mountain, Michigan, United States

Keweenaw Bay, Michigan, United States

314mi 05h 50m

Copper Harbor, Michigan, United States

After a couple more hours of driving, we hit this cute little town, not even sure where it was. There we found a giant tower, so of course, we had to investigate. Turns out it was an old copper mine, that had been shut down for a while. We gave ourselves a 'free' tour, and went and purchased some keepsakes from the gift shop. As we were walking out to get back in the car we saw some old ruins across the highway. We walked over and examined them and learned that they were used by the workers of the old mine.