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My Epic Road Trip

Beaches, deserts, and waterfalls

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Created by Nick - July 12th 2016

This is a Civil War venture, picking out a few stops along the way to recollect and continue to learn about when America was at war with itself.

Boston is a big city, especially for someone from Maine, where the entire state's population is 1.3 million. My brother and our friend Annie went to Boston for three days to live in the city. We had a fantastic time walking around, taking our first Uber ride and trying to find some nightlife on a Tuesday night in January. Boston is full of history, culture, and opportunities to engage with others.

Photo of Gettysburg National Military Park

1195 Baltimore Street, Gettysburg, PA, US

Gettysburg National Military Park

Of course, every Civil War venture must include the crescendo of the Confederacy. As a reenactor, this site calls to me often. I had the privilege of camping on the fields of Gettysburg during my 21st birthday. My favorite moment was not drinking rum bellies at the Dobbin House - though that was splendid - it was waking up and breathing in the air, knowing I was on "hallowed ground." And when all the other reenactors left to return to our normal lives, I hiked Little Round Top with all of my gear. At first, I feared I might be booed or scare people off, but I was only greeted with "great job" while a picture was snapped. What a place to be.

5831 Dunker Church Rd., Sharpsburg, MD, US

Antietam National Battlefield

The bloodiest day in American history. This site is most certainly haunted by a few of the 23,000 men that died here. However, that shan't stop folks like me from wandering the fields and stopping occasionally to feel shivers, thinking about the brave men charging into certain death.

261 Caverns Rd, Quicksburg, VA, US

Shenandoah Caverns

On my family's vacation in 2010, we stopped in at these caverns. They aren't quite Civil War related, but marvelous nevertheless. These stalagtites and stalamites jut out in beautiful arrays.

8895 George Collins Pkwy, New Market, VA, US

New Market Battlefield

This lesser-known battle involved Virginia Military Institute cadets. Boys. Though put in as a last resort, these cadets charged an artillery position, losing ten of their number, but successfully putting that Union position out of action. New Market is a fantastic location to consider on any Civil War journey.

Ah, home at last! This is a great time to show off some sweet pictures (no shame in a selfie or two), but also to give thanks for our nation's honored dead. Appreciate what America has to offer and don't forget about it when you are bombarded with negative news. There are great locations out there!


Civil War Reenactor Elvis impersonator Creative Writing and Political Science Karaoke Enthusiast