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My Epic Road Trip

  • 8
  • 59:03
  • 3,695 mi
  • $583
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Created by ems11815 - July 9th 2016

I want to move to the Pacific Northwest, but I also want to drive through Colorado, so I would love to make this road trip count!

Atlanta is where I grew up and it's where my family lives, so I'd want to have my send off with them. One last dinner before I hit the road.

469mi 07h 00m

On my first road trip ever, we went to New Orleans and I just fell in love. I have been dying to go back and get some beignets to eat by the river. I love the food culture in this city and everything about it is just magical.

508mi 07h 52m

I'm a pretty weird person, and though I haven't been to Austin I feel like it's worth a visit just because of that fact. I have never been this far west and I honestly just want to see what Austin has to offer. I love food and I know they have a huge food scene so I'd be excited to sample what they serve up.

935mi 14h 48m

I really want to see the Rockies some day and I've heard amazing things about this city so that's why I'd want to go here. The best part about a road trip is that you are free to drive wherever you want and this is one of those states where freedom to do what you want is encouraged.

912mi 14h 34m

I want to spend a lot of time outside of the car as well, and it has been a dream of mine to camp in Glacier National Park. It would be very refreshing to disconnect from social media and take a trip to camp in the woods by a fire. Seeing the amazing views from the tops of mountains would be a really beneficial way to recharge and connect back with nature.

613mi 10h 33m

I love coffee so much that it would be a sin if I skipped Seattle. I want to try as many hot cups of coffee as I can handle! Another reason I want to come to Seattle is because the grunge scene was very big here in the 90s, I'd love to visit important sites and learn more about that moment in history.

173mi 02h 49m

Portland is the ultimate hipster paradise, and I want to visit at least once before I become to embarrassed to be associated with that title. I love how many food trucks roam the city and I can't wait to try the farm fresh foods from the restaurants.

83mi 01h 27m

Corvallis, Oregon, United States

Corvallis is the city I am strongly thinking about relocating to. I want to visit this city to see if I might be able to call it home some day.

I hope by the end of this trip I will have learn a lot about myself and the people I have met along the way. I hope I get to eat something new, try something new, and see something new. You can't grow if you stay in the same place and experience the same things your whole life. I want to come out of this trip with a new sense of self and hopefully and a new direction to turn to.