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Empire of Atlantium

Reids Flat, New South Wales 2568 Australia

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“A parallel universe for free-thinking, globally-minded citizens of Australia who don't want to be Australians.”

The Empire of Atlantium is a unique parallel sovereign state. Or a rebellious micronation imperial republic. Founded on 27 November 1981 by three Sydney teenagers, there are now more than 2000 Atlantian citizens living in over 100 countries. Its global capital, Concordia, is a 0.76 square kilometre extraterritorial pastoral estate known as the Province of Aurora (or small patch of land). Aurora is roughly twice the size of the Vatican and half the size of Monaco and is currently being developed as a unique eco-tourism destination (watch this space but don't hold your breath). The province is also the site of Atlantium's Government House - the Domus Aurea, the Golden House (also handily available on Airbnb) - and a growing number of commemorative monuments, which make for good selfies, especially the 13ft pyramid. Atlantium welcome applications for citizenship from progressive, free-thinking globally-minded people everywhere, and invite visitors to explore this small window on their imperial republic, its people and its ever-expanding range of activities and interactions with the world-at-large. The best way to see Atlantium is to get a tour with the Emporer himself, who goes by the name of George II (formerly Cruickshank which doesn't have the same ring to it). You can also post a letter from this micronation or buy a gift. But take your own coffee.

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Empire of Atlantium

Reids Flat
New South Wales
2568 Australia
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