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Doyles Guest House
Doyles Guest House

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June 19, 2015

I am a travel nurse who depserately tried to find housing in Monpelier close to my traveling assigment. Right off the bat, housing is not something Vermont should proud of:-(Oh, Bernie Sanders please hear me): it's expensive, old and simplyy unavailable. You get a lot less for the same money in comprison to other states I worked in.

4 of my nurse-friends gave me this referral, warning that the landlady is nosy and has a set of "particularities". Something I really appreciated after I moved in.

I eneded up calling this place an "orphanage". It's a 100 year old two-story house. If you like old houses, you'll think it has a charater. For me, I prefer renovated "fresher" living. As Vermont goes, it's nice, by North Carolina, where I came for, I'd would never even consider.

My room had two twin cheaply made beds, (about $100 at Wallmart). I did not found them to be super comfortable. The beds were separated by a steardy night stand. As it turned out, the landlady is super religious, and she wants to have control of "your night behavior".

The place is clean, but you just can't get over the sense of "oldness" : the 50 year old curtains, lamps, carpeting, the cheap blankets, the pictures on the wall of some horrible landscapes without sun, My room and a few others, had no gas stove, but has some basic electric stove, but SHE reserved full control of what you cook. My TV set was very old put together before they knew anyting about cable or HD tv, I'd imagine it was invented at the renaissance edge of first color TV's. In fact, I was shocked that it still worked. I did have good cable package and the Internet was fast. I am amazed I just used the landlady and internet in the same sentence. :-). But I will note that some rooms actually have flat screen TV, just not my room.

The worst thing about living here was the landlady herself-older slim lady, with very clean dray, hands, with trim nails, who said she used to be a teacher, I would guess in a some Nun School. Somewhat OCD, she periodically bugged me about everything. She demanded complete control about things I brourght into the house (she was angry when I bought a soft mattress topper. It's too bulky!. You should leave it outside". Somehow if you wanted to sneak something into your room, she'd would appear unexpectedly in front of you, at any point of the day, as if she was watching you on some hidden tv or something.

She cleans the place one a week, which gives her an opportunity to check out everything in your room. The "cantraband" and all. Once she found fish in my fridge, she was terribly dissapointed in me. She never missed an opportunity to chide you about your bad recycling habits and involve yourself about your visitors to prevent you from possibly engaging in a possible sexual activity but you it is still possible, you just have to be inventful...

I can go on and on. Suffice to say, I moved out after one month the minute I was able to find another housing.

The place is not horrible: it has air-conditioner and is fairly clean if you don't mind the Oliver Twist movie feel and look. The toilet works, the oldfashioned lamp and the old TV are all functining (finger-crossed) and are good enough if you need a furnished place in Vemont. But for my taste, I would use it only as a last resort.

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